Masks off

Today is 'Face Day'. In the cabinet decision of Friday 13 May, there was an important paragraph: face masks are no longer compulsory. Unlike many other countries, in Rwanda we still had to wear face masks both outside and inside. Until Friday the 13th of May, that is. They are still recommended inside though, but it is not compulsory anymore. For the first time since I moved here, which is over a year now, I can see the faces of the people who I pass on the street. Like today, on the way to the swimming pool. The face of the woman who walks down the street and loudly praises her fruit and vegetables in a basket on her head. For the first time, that voice has a face. The smile of the children playing with a homemade ball on the corner. The dogged expression of the man cycling a colourfully dressed woman to her destination. She is not very thin and the road goes uphill. The face of the pump attendant who tries to calculate how much change I should get. The faces of the beauti...