What I will not miss

Today I am leaving Vietnam. What I will not miss. The humid heat slapping you in the face as wet and hot cloth The mold The rising waterlevels when the rain is pouring down The rats The endless sweating The gaudy signs everywhere in the street causing complete visual cacophony The aftertaste of MSGs That all seems always impossible, even though it always gets sorted out The traffic, where no one bothers about the effect of their moves on others. The beach full of waste The stench of sewerage, drains and decay The noise of tool oud and bad quality amplifiers The off-tune karaoke singing in the neighbourhood The stale smell of a room damaged by mold The movement of windows under the pressure of a Category 1 typhoon The sensation of plastic bags touching you while swimming in the sea. My communication barrier because I never managed to get a grip on the 6 tones of this language And yet, the absence of all of this, will still make me miss Vietnam.